Our morning departures headed out from the Inner Harbour with hopes of seeing some beautiful whales. Just a short ride out of the Harbour, at Trial Island, everyone was able to observe Harbour Seals.
Transient Whales. Photo taken by Captain Yves with a zoomed lens and heavily cropped.
After observing the Harbour Seals for a little while we continued our search for whales. Not long after, we located a group of Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales. We turned off the motors and had a chance to hangout with the whales for awhile. Everyone was pumped!

Our afternoon tours headed out with hope in their hearts that they would see some whales. There was a crisp cool breeze that brought excitement to the boat and kept everyone on their toes.

After an extended ride out in the ocean, everyone was in luck. We were able to locate more Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales and observe them for a good amount of time.