JUNE 1 2018 – Today we say welcome back to our beloved T11’s! In the morning we saw T11 and T11A (Rainy) two of our most commonly seen Transient Killer Whales in this region. They are also two of the oldest known orcas known here. Welcome back! In the afternoon we had another well known family, the T65A’s, still with their new calf! They were traveling slowly which allowed us some nice viewings of all family members; especially the newborn calf who seemed to be having a great time porpoising out of the water. Have a look at the adorable pictures of the calf on our Facebook page linked below, it is only a couple months old! We are on a killer whale high at the moment with sightings on every tour, don’t miss out!
For more pictures check out our Facebook Page! Welcome back T11A aka. Rainy