July 21 2018 – Humpback Whale Watching from Victoria, BC – there’s no better way to start the day.
This afternoon we encountered a number of Humpback Whales close to Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. Certain individuals were particularly curious and were seen Spy Hopping close to the boat. Passengers were delighted to see their characteristic Tubercles on their rostrum (nose) and head.
In the evening, we headed out on Marauder IV and had the pleasure of spending some more time with these beautiful Humpback Whales. However, this time round they were in foraging mode. Passengers witnessed frequent tail/fluke dives as the Humpback Whales propelled themselves into deeper waters in search of food. We later identified one of these individuals as ‘Split-Fin’ a regular visitor in our BC waters.
If you would like to see more pictures from this tour or any other tour please check out our Facebook Page!