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Sail into fall season and save up to $30 on adult tickets with our WHALE SALE special!

It was one of the hottest days out on the boat so far this summer, a gentle sea breeze was refreshingly welcome as we headed out of Victoria Harbour. We had a report of Transient Killer Whales across the border into the USA. After a peaceful cruise south with stunning views of Mount Baker to our East and Mount Olympus to our South, we found the whales around Dungeness Spit.

Bigg's Killer Whale and Mount Baker
Bigg’s Killer Whales in front of Mount Baker. Photo by Captain Yves. Image taken with zoom lens and heavily cropped.

It was two family travelling together, one of which was the familiar T46 family. It was definitely play time and we were treated to breaches and tail slaps a-plenty.

Bigg's Killer Whale breaching
Breaching Bigg’s Killer Whale. Photo by Captain Yves. Image taken with zoom lens and heavily cropped.

A couple even lazed around on their backs, showing their white bellies and slapping their pectoral fins on the water. The coming together of these two families was cause for celebration it appeared!

Bigg's Killer Whale
Bigg’s Killer Whale about to breach. Photo by Captain Yves. Image taken with zoom lens and heavily cropped.

Some of the younger ones enjoyed playing around with sea birds that were resting on the surface. Common murres and gulls flocked for safety, while the birds with heavier belly’s were chased along the surface of the water to the delight of the Transient Killer Whales.

Seagulls. Photo by Captain Yves. Image taken with zoom lens and heavily cropped.

We turned off our engines and watched in awe as the whales passed by! A true spectacle to witness these marine mammals in their element.

Check out our Facebook Album for more pictured of that amazing day!

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