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Save 20% on a 2024 Ocean Cruiser - Whale Watching Tour with code "EARLYBIRD"

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Southern Resident J16

Apr 8, 2019 – Wildlife, wildlife and more wildlife! Today skipper Mark and our guests made their way out of Victoria and on towards the Chain Islets. There they encountered lots of Bald Eagles and Seals, which are always such an incredible sight to see! The Chain Islets are an important gathering place for Seals, especially during the summer months when it becomes Seal Sun Party Central.

Next our zodiac zipped its way over to Seabird Lighthouse and came across a big group of huge Steller Sea Lions. Steller’s are the largest of all Sea Lions! After spending some time marveling at these massive mammals, the tour continued in search of more wildlife…

J-Pod! Members of one of three pods of Southern Resident Killer Whales were spotted near Kellett Bluff. Seeing members of such an endangered family of whales always inspires hope within us to keep fighting for their well being. Our guests got to witness how amazing and powerful these creatures look when they make their way through the water.

After a trip filled with wildlife sightings, our guests were brought back to Victoria’s harbor with many incredible memories!

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