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Experience year-round whale sightings with our Winter Zodiac Adventures!

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Thursday Nov 8 – Another great day on the water.  Today we headed south with Captain Ian and within a few minutes we were watching a Humpback Whale.  While we watched this guy dive and show off his fluke Captain Ian pulled up some bull kelp.  He explained to everyone the importance of this Kelp and how the whole ecosystem relies on it hugely.  He even let all of our guests have a taste… yummy!

After our salty lunch, we moved further south and this time bumped into 2 very playful Humpback Whales.  They were tumbling over each other splashing and showing off their massive pectoral fins and flukes.  They socially played around our boat for quite some time.  Our guests were over the moon!

Captain Ian started to make his way to Race Rocks Ecological Reserve when he spotted yet another Humpback.  This one was way more focused on feeding so we left him be.  Once we got to Race Rocks we saw scores of Seals and Sea Lions not to mention a huge Elephant Seal and a Bald Eagle soaring overhead.

This time of year in the Salish Sea is just spectacular.  We are so lucky to have such an array of wildlife to share with our guests.


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