Today we encountered one of the unique marvels in Killer whale behaviour: a lone male. Researchers still do not understand why male Killer Whales sometimes prefer their own company to that of the pod, particularly as they are a notoriously social species. It was the Transient Killer Whale T49C. This male is 21 years old, so fully grown, and sometimes appears with another lone male T77A.

Today, however, he was travelling alone. It was awesome to see this large animal that sits proudly at the top of the oceanic food chain.

Post whale-watch we continued the wildlife adventure when we stopped by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. Seals and Sea Lions were in abundance and we had the real nice surprise of spotting our old colleague Laas. Laas spent the summer with us as a Naturalist and Zodiac driver and has now resumed her Winter post as an eco-guardian on the reserve. Feel free to wave if you ever spot her on one of our trips!