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Sail into fall season and save up to $30 on adult tickets with our WHALE SALE special!

What a totally awesome trip! So much wildlife to be seen!

Another spring like day with calm weather -perfect for a zodiac trip.

Our guests got to enjoy some beautiful scenery while on their tour.

Race Rocks with an American mountain ridge behind. Picture taken by Captain Ian.
Race Rocks with Mount Baker behind. Picture taken by Captain Ian with a zoom lens.


While working our way around Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, given its name because of the fast moving water rushing through the area. We got to see some of its’ furry residents. Harbour seals, Steller sea lions and California sea lions.

Below you can see some Harbour seals warming up on the rocks in the sunshine between hunts. As you can see, their mottled coloured fur helps them blend in with their surroundings. Great camouflage!

Hauled out Harbour Seals. Picture taken by Captain Ian with a zoom lens.
Hauled out Harbour Seals. Picture taken by Captain Ian with a zoom lens.


The group was also lucky enough to spot a super furry friend we have affectionately called Harry, a sea otter- Harry Otter.

He was made his way down to this part of the island to make use of the very fruitful food chain within the area! He is a keystone species. This means if you took Harry out of this local ecosystem, it would be overrun with sea urchins!

Harry Otter! Picture taken by Captain Ian with a zoom lens.
Harry Otter! Picture taken by Captain Ian with a zoom lens.


The best treat of all though was just when we thought the tour was over and it was time to start heading back to Victoria. Little did we know moments later we would be treated to seeing a wonderful pod of Orca!!

Orca rising to the surface to catch a breath. Picture taken by Captain Ian with a zoom lens.
Orca rising to the surface to catch a breath. Picture taken by Captain Ian with a zoom lens.


They even put on a little display of tail slaps and rolling for us! Magically to see in their natural environment.

Orca tail slapping. Picture taken by Captain Ian with a zoom lens.
Orca tail slapping. Picture taken by Captain Ian with a zoom lens.


Can’t wait for more days like this and a little more sunshine too!

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