Mar 26 2019 – Whales, Whales everywhere. Today we saw more Orca but this time it was J Pod, a pod from the Southern Resident Killer Whale Community. Mark picked up the pod at Green Point, which is the eastern end of Spieden Island. (Fun Fact: Spieden Island used to be owned by John Wayne) J Pod were widely spread and heading south. Mark followed two females as they swam side by side, their breaths at the surface synchronized. Seeing these endangered whales swim happily and free is a feeling like no other.
It was another sunny day and the water was calm. As the Zodiac passed Spieden Island they saw lots of Mouflon Sheep and Sitka Deer resting along the slopes of the island. Tons of Bald Eagles were in the area too. No doubt they were hoping for a feast on a young deer.
Soon it was time to head back to Victoria. Mark picked up speed and sped down Haro Strait back to the harbour. The guests had a wildlife filled day and a thrilling Zodiac ride all the way back to our dock.