MARCH 20 2017 – The highlight of the trip today was most certainly the large Transient Killer Whale that we saw just south of Discovery Island.
The weather wasn’t as good as the previous day, however, there was still an abundance of west coast wildlife to see. Captain Mark headed out to see Race Rocks first. There they saw a huge amount of large California and Steller Sea Lions, Harbour Seals and some Bald Eagles. From there they went a little further west where they saw some cute deer feeding on shore.
About 2.5 hours into the trip Captain Mark got wind of a Transient Killer Whale sighting. Sure enough T49c was spotted travelling past Victoria in search of marine mammals for dinner! Mark headed at high speed in that direction and was lucky enough to get some great views of this Ocean giant before heading back to the dock. The passengers were a little chilled but all were delighted with their west coast experience! Mark even extended the trip to be sure everyone got enough time with the wildlife they saw.