The morning was clear and sunny with calm seas. We heard there were Killer Whales (Orcas) west of Victoria so headed that direction. After about an hour of travelling we caught up to them. They were a family of Transient Killer Whales known as the T30s. A family of 6 whales with the matriarch T30, estimated to be about 50-years-old, her three offspring T30A a 32-year-old male, T30B a 35-year-old female, T30C a 13-year-old male and T30B’s offspring T30B1 and T30B2. The family had temporarily split up but we got good views of three of them including the large male T30A with his tall dorsal fin.
In the afternoon, we didn’t have to go far to see whales. Transient Killer Whales had been seen right off the mouth of Victoria Harbour. Within a few minutes of leaving the harbour, we could see three families of whales. This included the T65As (seen yesterday), the T34s, and the T37s. As they approached Trial Island they split up. The T34s and 37s passed the island on the south side and the T65As went through the narrow passage on the north side. We followed the T34s and 37s past Trial Island and spent some time with them.
After a short while we moved a short distance north to see the T65As. T65A6 the young calf born this year put on quite a show clearing the water several times. Passengers were able to see almost the entire length of its body! While with the T34s and 37s we put our hydrophone in the water and heard a few of their vocalizations.
After a glorious day on the water we headed home with many photos and memories.
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