Monday Nov 19 2018 – Another trip with Orca and Humpback Whales today. This month the whale watching has been spectacular. Today Captain Ian headed straight out to the area he has had lots of luck in lately spotting whales. Sure enough within the first 20 minutes he spotted two large humpback whales. They were in feeding mode and were raising their huge tails out of the water to propel themselves deeper. Ian said they were on maybe 4 – 6 minute dives so only after a few looks he moved on. The trip just kept getting better. Next he saw 1 more Humpback, then another and then finally found an awesome group of 3 that were scooping fish off the surface constantly. They weren’t quite lunge feeding but they were spending all their time at the surface and Ian could see they were feeding. The guests had some awesome views of these guys.
Just when Ian thought the trip was coming to an end he got a call about J Pod in the area. He headed back to where they had been seen and came across a wide spread pod. They were definitely in feeding mode but some of the young ones were showing off with some beautiful half breaches and spyhops.
Another super trip with Captain Ian that again went over the three hours because all the guests were having far too much fun! You can check out today’s pictures on our Facebook Page.