AUGUST 18 2018- HAPPY DAYS! Accounts that J-Pod had been spotted near Sooke harbour by some fishermen reached us in the early morning. Our tours headed that direction and were able to catch up with the famous whales. The morning tours saw the J-16s consisting of mother J-16 (Slick) and her four offspring J-26 (Mike), J-36 (Alki), J-42 (Echo), and J-50 (Scarlet). J-50 has been a very news-worthy whale as of late, to read more please visit our latest blog postings here and here.
Before leaving the scene of J-Pod, passengers got to see an amazing demonstration of playful behaviour from J-26 who started slapping his pectoral fins in the water. Amazing sight!
Afternoon tours caught up with J-pod once more, but this time the J-16s had merged with the rest of J-Pod. It was an absolutely spectacular sight! Lots of pectoral slaps and tail slaps. It was a beautiful social gathering.