We set sail on the Salish Sea with calm waters and the sun high in the sky! It didn’t take us long to find the first species of the day: Transient Killer whales. It was the T60 family travelling together, a very small juvenile in their midst.

They were zig-zagging their way south and then east and we watched as their black fins pierced the water’s surfaced. Our next species was found a little South of where we viewed the Transient Killer whales, it was two adult Humpback whales. They were doing short deep dives giving us great surface viewing time. Their blows refracted in the light giving off a rainbow glow!

It suddenly became evident that the Killer whales were moving in the direction of the Humpback whales. Considering the Transient Killer whales are marine mammal eaters, including other whale species, we watched the situation unfold with anticipation. Then one of the Humpback whales launched itself out of the water in a full breach, perhaps a warning signal for the Killer Whales to stay away.

It worked and at the next surface the T60s had moved in the opposite direction. Super interesting to see these two giants of the ocean interact, not something you see everyday!

Check out our Facebook Album of that day, for more stunning photos!