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Experience year-round whale sightings with our Winter Zodiac Adventures!

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Just as we set foot on our zodiac boat “FasTide” the clouds opened up and blue sky was visible. It was meant to be! We set sail in search of wildlife once more with another group of merry adventurers.

We headed south and then to the west, rounding William Head. Here we found a massive bait ball and a gull feeding frenzy taking place. It was a positive sign to see so much activity and we continued on our way. Next up was a peek in at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. Sea Lions and Seals were present in high numbers and as ever their smell, presence and sound invaded our senses. Just east of Race Rocks we came across our whale species of the afternoon. It was the Humpback whale, not just one but five individuals! They were showing a lot of surface behavior and at one moment 3 of them surfaced and dived in succession. A beautiful sight to behold!

A little drizzle on the way home meant hot chocolate was on the menu back at Springtide Base and we enjoyed reflecting on the day’s successes.

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