On the Marauder IV covered vessel, we ventured out into the Salish Sea for another afternoon of whale watching. This afternoon, however, was like no other! As we headed West we were engulfed in a thick, cool fog that gave us the magically mysterious feeling of being in a snow globe. Then suddenly black fins appeared out of the mist.

It was the T46, Transient Killer whale pod out in force once again. They were clearly enjoying the weather, porpoising and side rolling in the waves.

Among the T46s was the unique grey whale T46B1B who blended in perfectly with the hazy background. It was certainly a very special Killer whaler viewing. On the way home we had a stop-off at Race Rocks to meet with the Harbour seals, California and Steller Sea Lions.

One Steller made an Olympics worthy dive from the boat dock into the water. Just like the tour, we would give him a perfect 10/10!

Check out our Facebook album for more photos from today’s tours.