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Baby Whale Transient Orca

Apr 4, 2019 – An adorable Transient Orca calf was spotted on our tour today with skipper Mark. The glassy waters made for a seriously smooth trip, with views of the Olympic mountain range as a beautiful backdrop.

Mark and our guests headed towards Discovery Island where they came across a couple of Steller Sea Lions making the most of the sunshine. Take a look at another of our blog posts about Steller Sea Lions and to see a picture of one feasting on a delicious snack… an octopus. (It’s an acquired taste!)

On their way to Race Rocks to check out the lighthouse, Mark received a call over the radio – Orcas had been spotted! Away they went to catch up with these magnificent animals. It was amazing for our guests to see a young calf swimming with its mother. Welcome to the world, little one!

Check out our Facebook albums to see some incredible pictures taken by our staff and guests of Orcas and other wildlife!

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