The last day of July bought some winds our way but we were hopeful to find some interesting wildlife!
A sail out to what we like to call “Humpback Valley” was the order or the day and so off we went. Our adventure paid off as through the swells of the Salish Sea a blow and then a dark grey figure appeared- a Humpback whale was in front of us! On choppy days you often get to see more of the whales body as they come up for air. They need to make sure they clear the waters surface when exhaling and so bring their body up and out more than usual.
Heading back towards flatter waters we took a pass through Race Rocks Ecological reserve, it seemed we were the ones being looked at today though! It’s always nice to see the lazy seals and sea lions here!
Our guests were treated to an extra special talk on this tour as our naturalists pulled up some Bull Kelp from the waters and explained all its great properties and interesting facts. Did you know- Bull Kelp is one of the fastest growing kelp’s and can grow up to 6 inches in one day!