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A Humpback Whale Tail

Marauder IV set out this morning with Captain Bill at the Helm.  Jim, our top biologist and Fiona, our enthusiastic naturalist were our crew today.  At 10am we had had no reports of whales yet but we were all feeling confident that we would see at least one Humpback Whale.  After all the last few days have been amazing out there.  So we traveled along the south west corner of Vancouver Island and before too long we saw one… two… three… four Humpback Whale blows.  It was whale soup out there.  We had spotted at least 4 separate animals all feeding in the tide lines around Race Rocks Ecological Reserve.  The unusual part of today was watching the Humpback Whales come right in close to the lighthouse rocks.  Steller and California Sea Lions played around in the Humpbacks wake knowing that these huge animals are only here to feed on smaller prey like herring and krill.  But the highlight of today was undoubtedly watching one of these huge Humpback Whales breaching right out of the water.  No words can express how it feels to watch these 30 ton animals lunge out of the water right in front of you.  What can I say, yet another awesome day of Whale Watching with SpringTide!!!

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